While citizens all over the place are watching the "very important in world history", as the US President said, Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, the also historic Tsipras-Zaev agreement seems to lose its importance. Disaster or diplomacy triumph? What are the real protagonists, the concerned nations, are thinking about it?
Written by Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos*
Ambassador ad honorem
© Ethno News by Jopa
We are facing a Greek government that is under the instructions of Brussels and the lenders consequently have no prestige or moral authority to effectively negotiate such crucial issues.
The only point that I can currently evaluate as positive, is the statement verifying that the language of Skopje belongs to the Slavic family of languages and that the history of this country has nothing to do with the heritage of Alexander the Great or the Hellenic history and culture.
At this point, I admit not having seen the official text yet. In this way, I am wondering if the Greek cultural and history is usurped.
Regarding the name ‘Republic of North Macedonia’ or ‘Severna Macedonja’, it is in my point of view highly problematic. Inevitably, the question that arises is where ‘South Macedonia’ is located. It further reminds us of divided countries that had afterward been united. Just remember the case of Vietnam.
The agreement has still many phases to go through, including a referendum in Skopje before Greek lawmakers approve the deal.
President Gjorge Ivanov as wells as the Slavic nation is opposed to the accord. The latter are used to the arbitrary name ‘Macedonia’ which has been used since 1991 and is recognized by 140 countries.
Prime Minister Zaev spoke to the citizens of Skopje and mentioned that ‘our national identity is preserved’, whatever that means...
In Greece, the majority is also opposed to it. ‘But who cares about us’, people think.
Last but not least, allow me to ask a rhetorical question:
‘Why should Skopje [now] join NATO?’
*Edited by Victoria Mali
Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own the rights to the main image. Owners = Kim-Trump: SAUL LOEB/GETTY, found in: dailybeast / Zaev-Tsipras: INTIME NEWS/ΤΟΣΙΔΗΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ, found in: naftemporiki. No copyright infringement intended!
Keywords: #EthnoNews, #VictoriaMali, #Chrysanthopoulos, #KimTrump, #ZaevTsipras, #ZoranZaev, #AlexisTsipras, #SevernaMacedonja, #Skopje, #joinNato, #whocaresaboutus, #GreekAmbassador, #GjorgeIvanov, #referendum, #RepublicofNorthMaceonia, #hellenichistory, #hellenicculture, #instructionsofBrussels, #summitinSingapore, #diplomacytriumph