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International magazine offering critical perspectives on |History | Health | Human Rights|

  ISSN (Print)     2627-566X

ISSN (Online)  2627-5694

Cover EN 1 st-1.jpg

The print version of the magazine is temporarily not available. You can read the 1st (pilot) issue at the Bavarian State Library Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich or at the German National Library Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt.

You can also order it via email:






The publishing house JOPA has issued since 2010 i.a. intercultural, bilingual magazines, which are available at the Bavarian State Library, the City Museum of Munich, and at the German National Library. 

ETHNO News is our newborn “baby”, so I ask for your indulgence, as it is still in the crawling phase.   


As publisher and editor-in-chief, I am exclusively responsible for the entire content.


Briefly about me:

I can write, read, calculate and swim – mostly against the current.

I am a peaceful person who likes to be happy, with a healthy sense of humor, smiles and laughs a lot.

That can, nevertheless, rapidly change if I am confronted with injustice and inequalities. 

Therefore, the editorial focus is on Human Rights.

If you feel the same, then you have found the right person!

Beyond that, an untiring passion for History is characterizing me.

My alter ego, Dr. Thanasis Bagatzounis, is responsible for the column Health.    


In this sense, I warmly welcome you, wish you a stimulating reading, and remain with best regards for a nice get-together!


Johanna Panagiotou alias Victoria Mali






Der Verlag JOPA bringt seit 2010 u.a. interkulturelle, zweisprachige Magazine heraus, die in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, im Münchner Museum und in der Nationalbibliothek beheimatet sind. 

ETHNO News ist unser frischgeborenes „Baby“, daher bitte ich Sie um Nachsicht, denn es befindet sich noch in der Krabbel-Phase.


Als Herausgeberin und Chefredakteurin trage ich ausschließlich die Verantwortung für den gesamten Inhalt.


Kurz über mich:

Ich kann schreiben, lesen, rechnen und schwimmen − und zwar gegen den Strom.

Ich bin ein friedlicher Mensch, der gerne fröhlich ist, einen gesunden Humor besitzt, viel lächelt und lacht.

Das kann sich aber schwunghaft ändern, wenn ich mit Ungerechtigkeiten, Ungleichheiten und Lügen konfrontiert werde.

Daher ist ein wichtiger redaktioneller Fokus Menschenrechte.

Wenn es Ihnen genau so geht, dann sind Sie bei mir richtig!


Darüber hinaus charakterisiert mich eine unermüdliche Leidenschaft für Geschichte.

Mein anderes Ich, Dr. Thanasis Bagatzounis, kümmert sich um die Rubrik Gesundheit.


In diesem Sinne heiße ich Sie herzlich willkommen, wünsche Ihnen eine anregende Lektüre und verbleibe


mit den besten Grüßen für ein schönes Beisammensein!


Johanna Panagiotou alias Victoria Mali

Open Book

Abonnieren Sie uns! 


Eigentlich heißt es, man ist, was man isst.

Daraus haben wir das Motto „Man ist, was man liest“ gezaubert.


Unsere Kriterien sind die eines Edelrestaurants:

Know-How, Qualität, Leidenschaft und Liebe.

Und wenn Sie sich, wie in einem Sternerestaurant, bedient werden

und unser Magazin Zuhause oder im Büro gemütlich lesen möchten,

klicken Sie einfach und bequem hier:


Ethno News is a Transcultural & Critical Magazine…  


… For those who think differently and unconventionally.


… For those who try to make their own opinion by reading or listening to stories from various perspectives.


… For those who feel homeless in their own country, as neither, they can understand their politicians nor feel understood by them,


but they paradoxically feel like being home when different cultures come together and harmonically coexist.


… For those who are unsatisfied by the way a part of the media informs or rather manipulates citizens.


My motto is “Writing out of the box!”


So do not try to put me in any boxes. I am neither mainstream nor alternative. I do not want to limit myself and anybody else to anything.


I´ve tried so hard all these years to be free as a bird and fly over interesting places with wonderful people.


And these people, their culture, worries, and history are in the spotlight of Ethno News.


From a critical point of view…


On Ethno News, critically thinking readers all over the world have the opportunity to learn what is happening all over the place. 

Think about it… we are 1.300 ethnic groups; we have 4.200 religions and 7.000 languages on earth.


Precognition is not required; you just have to discover a forgotten word: Tolerance!


Black or white?


As a skilled journalist and young academic, I am a servant of the truth, which is − except for extreme situations – never black or white.

Truths and lies meet each other at a grey intersection.


And this will always be our meeting point.


It is a point, where people stop believing everything they hear, over-simplify, punish fellow human beings and start to think transculturally and critically.


In this spirit, welcome to Ethno News!


I am honored to be your guide on this amazing trip.


​​​So, put your belt on and follow me! 


​​​​​​Yours sincerely


Johanna Panagiotou (Jopa) / Victoria Mali (pen name)


on behalf of JOPA Publications & Arts


​​​Munich, May 2018

Intro Video of Ethno News


Written, directed and produced by Victoria Mali © Jopa / Cinematography: Jopa Arts / Imported videos & photos: Victoria Mali © Jopa / Exceptions: TC 00:01:15 – 00:01:22 © SpaceRip (With kindly permission by the artist)

Photos:, Religious Tolerance Made in Amerika, / Music: [No Copyright Music] Good For You – THBD; Michael Jackson – Black or White; Manos Loizos – Poso S'agapo (How Much I Love You)

No copyright infringement intended!  Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own the rights to any music featured in the video. All rights belong to its rightful and respective owner/owner's.

I chose to play a few seconds of the delicious compositions by M. Jackson and M. Loizos, as those artists inspired me and are still lighting my way. It is just a sign of respect and admiration.

Post Production: Tape Return (Anastasis K.) / Production Supervisor: Dr. Thanasis Bagatzounis / Make-Up Artist:beauty_by_pinkerbell (Instagram)

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