Berlin, March 15 2018

Today, I had the honor to be presented at the #DeutscherBundestag in Berlin and experienced how German politicians – except of the left party – decided to have the forces' mandate extended in #Darfur, #Sudan.
Info on Darfur & South Sudan:
1. Germany is the only European country who supports the #UNAMID, due to both its geostrategic and economic interests (United Nations–African Union Mission)
2. Until now, there are three German soldiers on site and no political solution found
3. However, the official justification for this participation has been the policy of turning refugees away (Yes, we want your gold, your oil, but no African people in our country…)
4. The German Federal Armed Forces are closely cooperating with the Dictator Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir, who was charged with crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court, including genocide, related to the Darfur conflict in 2010
5. The Conflict (held since 2013) caused 50.000 civil victims
6. 56 % of the Population has been ravished by hunger, whereas 80% of the Oil Stock exists in South Sudan
7. 19.000 Children are fighting (inter alia with German weapons) as ‘Child Soldiers’
Notice: The above facts have been presented in Berlin as a success story, in order to justify the amount of 3 Million Euros that German taxpayers have to disburse for this ‘Humanitarian Aid’
Source: Speeches of the assemblies Zaklin Nastic & Kathrin Vogler (German’s Left Party)
Photo: #VictoriaMali